Versatile Blogger Award

I am very pleased to say that I’ve been given a Versatile Blogger Award by the splendid Nivedita AKA Curiosity and the Cat ( Thank you!


I understand that if I accept the Versatile Blogger Award, I need to:
“Nominate 10-15 other bloggers
Inform them of this amazing award bestowed upon them
Share 7 random facts about myself
Thank the blogger who awarded me (complete with the link)”

Here’s some random nonsense:

1. I’m a pescetarian

2. I’ve lost over 3 stones with Weightwatchers

3. I want to write a book but I’m too scared to try

4. I am slightly obsessed with owls

5. I’m an expert procrastinator

6. I’m very happily married (7 years tomorrow – Happy Anniversary BH!)

7. I enjoy Kung-fu movies and Japanese horror

Here goes, my nominations are, in random order: (www. ……..

Lydia Street (lydiastreetdotcom) – beautiful garden and home posts from Christe and Dianna

Born to Organise (gardeningnirvana) – Alys writes a fun, postively inspiring gardening and life blog

Slim Nexus (thenexuscore) – aquarist, gardener, budding linguist and all round project obsessive (and helpful with fish questions!)

Silver Bells (silverbells2012) – Helen’s lovely garden blog with some really great photos and inspiration

Suburban Eye Feast (suburbaneyefeast) – fun, positive posts about beauty products, ‘how to’s, with a bit of life and family thrown in

Devon Morton’s Reef Tank ( – a dream tank from an experienced reef aquarist

Dust Tracks on the Web (dusttracks) – amazing, prolific and stunningly beautiful wildlife photography

Book Volunteer (oxfamwilmslow) – reminds me what great and weird books there are out there, with great reviews

Casual Natural Southern Feminist (casualnatural) – varied blog with fine opinion posts, love it

Romancing the Bee (romancingthebee) – recipes, plants, bees, what more do you need?!

Quratzafar (quratzafar) – excellent, atmospheric story writing

I hope I have got all your details down correctly but please let me know if not! I’m really enjoying blogging and reading your posts too so thanks!